Friday, June 25, 2010


Got into this HUGE fight with this friend. I really dont like her. At first i was just so mad, and i was totally in the moment. And it felt good to get these emotions off my chest. Then, later it felt bad. The things she said REALLY hurt. Like, im sending in a modeling application and she told me that i wasnt good enough to get the job and that she would get it but she doesnt want to crush my hopes and dreams. For her information modeling is not my hopes and dreams, i want to be an author so there! After i went dancing tonight, my *totally amazing* nana drove me home. I told her all about the fight. She was really great, and talked to me about it. And my nana told me that she had initially been surprised that me and my X-friend were friends. She told me that we had different energys, like oil and water, you need them both, neither are bad, but they just dont mix. It really helped put things into perspective for me, and helped allow me to arrange things in my mind. She said that my energy was more spiritual, and hers was more earthy and heavy. And that she seemed to carry a lot more negativity. And that i was more positive. Now, thanks to me nana, my heads a lot clearer, and i realize i dont really care for this friend. And i'm okay with not being her friend, and i have a lot of other great friends, that love and care about me and would never critize me, or anyone, like me X-friend did to me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey babydoll, you're gorgeous. You're going to get that model job. You're going to be so good at it, it will make me jealous. You're beautiful. I love you. I'm glad you figured that out! I'm here, right? Hit me up sometime.

