Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Begining

Obviously, this is so NOT the begining of my life, its the begining of my blog, so im gonna get you all caught up so nobody gets lost or anything :) Firstly, im just your average teenager... 1 1/2 more days of school left, so, im just about done surviving 7th grade. Of course, you cant start summer without finishing off the year with a little drama. Firstly, this girl, im not gonna say names, almost gets my friend EXPELLED for doing somthing SHE DIDNT DO, aparently my friend abuses her, accept she is such a sweety! and the girl who almost gets her expelled, (lets call her bob) is the one who abuses her, bob has left marks on my friend that will "never go away" and, bob here, she has a history of "making friends" and then messing it all up. (like she has to me, and at least 4 others) So my other friend, lets call her Ella, tells bob that she doesnt want to be friends with some1 who abuses all of her her friends. Then today, turns out bob is not showing up to school anymore for the rest of the year (maybe even next year!). I guess shes just to scared to face all of the enemies she has made over the years....anywho...if you have any questions i can answer them (can you ask questions on these blog things?) well, yeah, i guess this is kind of an advice blog so....yeah. ask me whatever and i will answer to the best of ma ability, im good at advice giving! :D So, yeah summer, and whatever!!!!

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