Saturday, June 12, 2010

As You Can See I Am A Horrible Blogger

As you can see i am a horrible blogger. I have failed to not only write a post merely ONCE a day, but i have not written in several days. I am a failure, i admit it, i am a good for nothing, under-accomplished failure. I cannot even keep a blog! How depressing is my life? Anyway, now that we have finished criticizing me, i have LOTS of new, that i am going to jam into this one post. Firstly, i have started calligraphy. I suck at it. Also, i went to the dells, which it always fun...annnddd there is a dance at the studio tonight, which i am about to start getting ready for. Plus, my amazing BFF, *code name for blog* Eminem is sleeping over tonight!!! yeah, fun fun! Okay, well, now i get to go off and shower, do hair, yada yada yada, all that glorious stuff that my life is made up of. Also, there is a parade today. Woot. Hmmmm, i give up, my life is utterly pitiful, i am more boring then those 8 piece puzzles we did when we were 3. Well, dear readers, who have somehow found it in there hearts to give my pathetic blog there time, thanks for reading, and look for my next post. :)

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