Friday, June 25, 2010


Got into this HUGE fight with this friend. I really dont like her. At first i was just so mad, and i was totally in the moment. And it felt good to get these emotions off my chest. Then, later it felt bad. The things she said REALLY hurt. Like, im sending in a modeling application and she told me that i wasnt good enough to get the job and that she would get it but she doesnt want to crush my hopes and dreams. For her information modeling is not my hopes and dreams, i want to be an author so there! After i went dancing tonight, my *totally amazing* nana drove me home. I told her all about the fight. She was really great, and talked to me about it. And my nana told me that she had initially been surprised that me and my X-friend were friends. She told me that we had different energys, like oil and water, you need them both, neither are bad, but they just dont mix. It really helped put things into perspective for me, and helped allow me to arrange things in my mind. She said that my energy was more spiritual, and hers was more earthy and heavy. And that she seemed to carry a lot more negativity. And that i was more positive. Now, thanks to me nana, my heads a lot clearer, and i realize i dont really care for this friend. And i'm okay with not being her friend, and i have a lot of other great friends, that love and care about me and would never critize me, or anyone, like me X-friend did to me.

Monday, June 14, 2010

I have an idea!!!

So, i got this super amazingly great idea!!! WOOT! I have this kool song posted on here, so you can play it while you read my blog so you wont get bord! ;)


So, this morning i wake up, only to discover that i have to go to the dentist! Gross, as usual the dentist sucked. Now I'm home doing absolutely nothing, as usual. Grrrr, my life is so boring! I need to do something entertaining, maybe I could ask my friend Ila (Code Name For Blog) if she wants to hang out. Anywho, since my life is quite obviously painfully dull, i will stop this terribly boring post, and allow you to do something more worth your time then reading this. Oh, and maybe if we whare summer colors for our PJ's tonight it will get warm out...cross your fingers!!! *-*

Sunday, June 13, 2010

So...i was re-reading my blog...

So, here i am, re-reading my blog...and i totally just realized something. I write this blog from my heart right? I don't change it, I'm naturally a bit dramatic, what can you expect? Im a girl. I write the words as i would say them out loud...and now that i have re-read it, i learned something about myself. I have a VERY sarcastic point of view on life. I don't really know what to take from this, other them reading about my own life in my sarcastic and dry point of view actually amuses me. just thought i would share this incredible realization about my sarcasticness with you.  
                                                                          - Willow

Last Nights Dance

Hmmm, i truly wish that i had written my blog on the dance a lot, as in last night! Had i thought to write this last night, it would be filled with heart felt detail, and true feeling, and magic. Now, since my memory of the dance is little more then a blur of laughter spins, stumbles, and dance, it will not be half as good. However, i will slave over this to make it the best i can. Hmmm, last night i walked into the dance with my friend *code name* eminem, we put on our shoes (mine borrowed from a friend who could not make it, and hers just high heals because our have not been delivered yet) and said hi to my nana (best person ever, owns dance studio, teaches us). Then, we went into the group class and learned salsa. Which was hard but really fun!!! Then we danced a few times, and moved into some chairs bordering the dance floor because it was so crowded and we were leaving the tables for the grown ups. Nana sat with us so we were not lonely. I danced with several people, as we all did,  and learned a few more things, and messed up a lot of things, but the most important thing is that i had fun! In-between dances, we started "sideline dancing" cuz, we were sitting on the sides of the dance floor, and would just dance, and do funny things that would make all the people on the dance floor laugh. It was probably the best dance i have gone to so far! It was incredible, this description in no way does it justice, but just understand that it  was a truly magical night. Next time, i think i will invite some of my friends who don't even take dance, and show them how fun it is, and see if they like it. :) anywho...yeah, post done........tadaa!!!!!!!!!!

Vita - Like Boom (Official Video)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Things You Find...., today, i was surfing the internet, and i found this website that tells you what national holiday is on your birthday. My birthday is November 5th - Gunpowder Day. I am now thoroughly depressed. Here is the link so you can all find out what holiday is on your birthday, hope you have a better one then mine!

As You Can See I Am A Horrible Blogger

As you can see i am a horrible blogger. I have failed to not only write a post merely ONCE a day, but i have not written in several days. I am a failure, i admit it, i am a good for nothing, under-accomplished failure. I cannot even keep a blog! How depressing is my life? Anyway, now that we have finished criticizing me, i have LOTS of new, that i am going to jam into this one post. Firstly, i have started calligraphy. I suck at it. Also, i went to the dells, which it always fun...annnddd there is a dance at the studio tonight, which i am about to start getting ready for. Plus, my amazing BFF, *code name for blog* Eminem is sleeping over tonight!!! yeah, fun fun! Okay, well, now i get to go off and shower, do hair, yada yada yada, all that glorious stuff that my life is made up of. Also, there is a parade today. Woot. Hmmmm, i give up, my life is utterly pitiful, i am more boring then those 8 piece puzzles we did when we were 3. Well, dear readers, who have somehow found it in there hearts to give my pathetic blog there time, thanks for reading, and look for my next post. :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

WAHOOO!!! Schools out! Yea summer, i think i might spend the next few days making lists of what to do this summer, things i have to do to get ready for eighth grade, and everything i'm gonna do to make next year perfect. Things i have to buy, and yeah, but tonight i am actually probably sleeping over at a friends house! I cant wait until next year, it will be the perfect end to middle school, and to make it even better, my best friend is going to come to my school next year!!!!! Wow, its all going to be so perfect, and since most of the pops are going to leave, it will give me and my friends OUR time to shine... couldn't be more perfect right? But, i'm going to try and write on my blog every day, even if nobody read it. Once again i'm always open for your questions and ready to give advice!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ahhh, the last full day of school today, half a day tomorrow, and i still cant get it into my head that schools really over, i mean, I'm totally excited, but it just doesn't feel like schools really over. This morning we watched Alice In Wonderland (the new one) which happens to be one of my favorite movies. Then we (us kids) played games and hung out, and just did our own thing. Then for lunch we had a big 7th grade "picnic" (inside because it was raining) with yummy yummy foods. After that we went to all of our usual classes, sometimes watching a movie, or just hanging out. Then, at the end of the school day we did our big locker clean out!!! WHOO!!!!! After school, "bob" (see older blog posts for info) came over and insisted in hugging 30 times! UGHHH!!! She started hanging on me like some lost puppy, inside i was like "go away i so don't like you!" but outside i was like "uh, hi bob...yeah, happy happy joy joy". So, pretty much a boring day, ??? feel free to ask any questions, im open to all!!! :) Gooooo Summerrr!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lol, break up that i found you think you would mind being broken up with like this? i honestly dont think i would....

The Begining

Obviously, this is so NOT the begining of my life, its the begining of my blog, so im gonna get you all caught up so nobody gets lost or anything :) Firstly, im just your average teenager... 1 1/2 more days of school left, so, im just about done surviving 7th grade. Of course, you cant start summer without finishing off the year with a little drama. Firstly, this girl, im not gonna say names, almost gets my friend EXPELLED for doing somthing SHE DIDNT DO, aparently my friend abuses her, accept she is such a sweety! and the girl who almost gets her expelled, (lets call her bob) is the one who abuses her, bob has left marks on my friend that will "never go away" and, bob here, she has a history of "making friends" and then messing it all up. (like she has to me, and at least 4 others) So my other friend, lets call her Ella, tells bob that she doesnt want to be friends with some1 who abuses all of her her friends. Then today, turns out bob is not showing up to school anymore for the rest of the year (maybe even next year!). I guess shes just to scared to face all of the enemies she has made over the years....anywho...if you have any questions i can answer them (can you ask questions on these blog things?) well, yeah, i guess this is kind of an advice blog so....yeah. ask me whatever and i will answer to the best of ma ability, im good at advice giving! :D So, yeah summer, and whatever!!!!